欢迎来到霍勒斯·曼实验学校 菲利斯和理查德·利特儿童和家庭中心位于全国网赌正规平台校园内. Horace Mann is one of only a small number of laboratory schools in the United States. 霍勒斯·曼恩提供亲身体验, 基于项目的学习, individualized approach that is only possible with small class sizes and multiple teachers. 各个年龄段的学生都把霍勒斯·曼当做自己的家, from our youngest kindergarten 学生 to University 实习的学生. Master teachers provide a unique learning environment for all 学生 that include technology, 创新的最佳实践, 以及模范教育经历. From measuring temperatures and creating data tables at our University Pond, 在校园回收中心学习回收知识, 体育课上轮滑和游泳课, and multicultural education from student organizations on campus, Horace Mann provides the best educational experience for your child.
- 师生比例低
- 创新和互动的教学实践
- 个性化的教育
- 技术集成
- Rigorous, rich and varied curriculum focused on educating the whole child
- 参加大学课程和活动
- 多样化的人口
- 学生领导和服务学习
Come and see for yourself what Horace Mann Laboratory School has to offer. I welcome you and invite you to schedule a tour of our facilities.
The Horace Mann Laboratory School serves as a clinical teaching environment for 学生 in Northwest's School of Education. Horace Mann是一个儿童学习型社区, 家庭, 掌握教师, 支持人员, 管理员, 实习的学生, 研究生助教, 教职员工.
贺瑞斯·曼的标志包括一个盾牌. The shield design incorporates a rich history with current best practices to bring the best educational opportunity to our 学生. 盾牌被分成三个部分,代表父母, 学生, 实习学生, 霍勒斯·曼组成了第四部分.
- 父母 是霍勒斯·曼的重要组成部分. 让父母参与日常活动, 实地考察旅行, 教训, 晚间节目及活动, 沟通学校活动.
- 霍勒斯·曼学生 receive a one of a kind education where 学生 can learn at their own pace, 是否参与到学习过程中, 并鼓励他们充分发挥自己的潜力.
- 实习的学生 have a hands-on learning experience where best practices and current strategies are in place.
- And Horace Mann brings it all together and links them to create a learning environment where “高等教育从这里开始."
Horace Mann Laboratory School has a unique place in the history of 全国网赌正规平台. 作为一所实验学校, 全国网赌正规平台致力于卓越的教育, 教师备课和幼儿学习研究.
As a learning laboratory for 全国网赌正规平台 学生, we make it our priority to provide learning experiences that enable pre-service teachers to observe and implement practices that honor and value developmental learning. 解决问题, 批判性思维, and collaboration experiences are supported and encouraged in the lab school. 满足每个孩子的需求, 挑战和支持所有学生, and providing a rich and engaging experience are just a few of the reasons Horace Mann Lab School is the school of choice for our 家庭.
We value children by encouraging them to share, listen, learn, and explore. 全国网赌正规平台拥抱每个孩子的能量、好奇心和发展技能. Horace Mann Lab School is an extension of home with a warm, welcoming learning atmosphere. Horace Mann is centrally located on the Northwest campus and looking out our classroom windows, 你看到了金色池塘, 自然探索户外学习教室, 熊猫体育场, 密苏里科学院, 数学与计算机, 和欧文斯图书馆. Our 学生 participate in learning opportunities in all of these locations.
全国网赌正规平台邀请您参观全国网赌正规平台的校园, 参观全国网赌正规平台的学校, and meet with the teachers and 学生 to experience our exceptional learning environment. 请全国网赌正规平台:电话660.562.1233; email horace@mikeshiner.com.
Established in 1906, Horace Mann Laboratory School is a training ground for education majors. Laboratory schools provide the environment in which best practices in education flourish and innovative research projects begin. Laboratory schools provide 学生 the opportunity to not only learn from 掌握教师 but to participate in best instructional practices.
全国网赌正规平台 has over 600 education majors that walk through the halls of Horace Mann each year. These 学生 have the unique opportunity to participate in an onsite training facility. Our elementary 学生 receive the benefits of best practices teaching strategies, 个性化的教学, 综合研究.
Horace Mann provides academic programs for children in transitional kindergarten through sixth grades. We believe in educating the whole child and want to help children develop their talents in all areas. We offer a variety of courses that are an essential part of Horace Mann’s mission to educate the whole child. Master teachers instruct children in art, music, and physical education.
University 实习的学生 work with the master teacher to instruct children in literacy, 数学, 科学, 还有社会研究. Daily instruction occurs in both whole class and small group settings using a variety of innovative instructional best practices.
Horace Mann develops a rich, varied, and rigorous curriculum using Missouri Learning Standards. Horace Mann teachers work 关闭ly with university departments to provide educational resources for 学生. Collaboration with various departments creates a continuous learning environment for all 霍勒斯·曼学生 and University 学生.
没有两个孩子以相同的方式或相同的速度学习. At Horace Mann, the academic program strives to meet the unique learning needs of each child. Academic programs are constantly modified and adjusted to meet these needs. Learners with special learning needs receive specialized instruction from a highly qualified teacher.
At Horace Mann we believe that experiences outside the regular classroom greatly enhance the child’s learning.